Thursday, December 4, 2008

Catching Up: Whew!

I've been wrestling with complications from gout (it's a chronic thing for me that pops into my life once or twice year) but it has allowed me a great amount of time to focus on my passion for awareness and spirituality. I spent some time with an incredible group organized by Richard Moss, and it has truly initiated a great transformation in my life. While not at a loss for words (could that really be possible?), it took a full week for me to be able to process what has happened so that I could discuss it fully with others. Frankly, I still don't have a complete understanding of it and I know (and accept) that I never will. But there are many beautiful things that I have experienced and learned and I would like to pass them on to my friends. I hope that I'm infectuous and others might want to have similar experiences, and if you do, let me know and I'll point you to Richard and Annalisa for more information.

I was very fortunate in discovering groups in early September, and the energy that has been built and cultivated in those groups has allowed me to grow incredibly fast. I love my groups! They have provided a great avenue to share my new found energy with and have made the come-down from the Richard Moss experience easy (because I didn't have to go cold turkey) and more memorable (in allowing me to share and reprocess many important lessons). Thank you, everyone, who has been to the meetings!

I can't tell you how much I miss the Richard Moss group. I know they are out there and we still maintain contact via email, but it is sublime to bask in their blended energy. Yes, I'm allowing my weight to shift out of the Now and into the Past, but I don't let it detract me from keeping aligned with my path and THE Path. One of the lessons I'm in the process of assimilating is learning how to keep weighted in the Now while allowing myself to feel nostalgia. I then try to recognize when my attention falls to heavily into the past so that I can get right back into the Now. It's a great exercise as it allows me to flex that Presence muscle while enjoying some wonderful memories (I just can't let it become a crutch or allow my ego to fool me into thinking I'm more weighted in the Now than I really am, but then that, too, is part of the lesson! Beautiful!)

Over eight pages written and I'm still documenting the events of the last night of the event. For me it was nothing less than a mystical experience and I am eager to share it with you.

Until my next post,


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