Saturday, December 13, 2008

Leap! The Movie

{This is a link to purchase the DVD: It is an affiliate link so a portion of the purchase price (which is the same as if you ordered it without using the affiliate link) will be paid to me, which I'll use to pay for some of the drinks and snacks at the meetings.}

If you enjoy watching movies like "What the Bleep Do We Know?," "The Moses Code," and "The Secret," then there is a new movie out that you might be interested in. It's called "Leap!," and it's posits the idea that the world is an illusion. Is the world literally an Illusion or is it just your perception that is the illusion? If the world is an illusion what then?

The movie features interviews with contemporary visionaries, scientists and authors and takes you on a journey that offers you a powerful way to perceive yourself and the world.

To me, the topic and trailer look very interesting. The production looks to be a little less slick than The Secret and The Moses Code, and frankly I kind of like that. While the messages of the other two are good messages, I almost feel that I'm being sold something by them. The slickness and cleverness also make things seem a little to basic, too simple, and it seems to degrade the value of the overall message. So I like to see that this is a little more documentary and a little less flash. (Oddly, I did like the packaging of What the Bleep except for maybe the narrative starring Marlee Matlin. I thought the acting was fine but I would have preferred to have foregone with the narrative, especially when watching the 5 hour version!)

The premise of the movie is that the world is an illusion, a cornerstone of the A Course In Miracles material. Gary Renard, author of The Disappearance of the Universe and other ACIM related material is featured prominently in the trailer. From the hawking of his wares on the website, it seems that he might be involved in the production, which wouldn't surprise me. I chuckled as I saw Michael Brown being interviewed in there (the guy with the South African accent) as my name is Michael Sean Brown and bought his book, The Presence Process, largely in part due to the novelty of us having the same name. (It would be neat if his material turns out having good merit.)

Below is a list of those interviewed, some of them part of the Usual Suspects appearing in the three movies mentioned above.

Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior)
Gary Renard (The Disappearance of the Universe)
Robert Scheinfeld
Fred Alan Wolf (What the Bleep)
Nicole Casanova
Joe Vitale (The Secret)
Will Arntz
Peter Russel
Amber Terrell
Gary Crowley
Amir Zoghi
James Twyman (The Moses Code)

Here's what you find on the "About" page on the website:

Leap! is a film that compels you to consider this ageless theory that “The world is an illusion“. You may find it confronting to consider your reality is simply a grand illusion.

This idea may challenge your current beliefs and ideals. To think of yourself, your family, friends and everything you know and love is part of an elaborate illusion sounds insane….. but then again Einstein did say “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Leap! explores ancient and modern philosophies and philosophers who support the illusion theory. To Leap! beyond the illusion is to let go and live from inspiration…. To Leap! beyond the constraints of your current perceived reality and what you think you know….

To consider The Truth of who you really are:
- You are an infinite being…. a participant in the illusion
- We are all infinite beings… most of us have simply forgotten
- Infinite power and abundance is your natural state

The purpose of Leap! is to invite each of us to live beyond the illusion by knowing what is really going on here.

This philosophy is not about denying our physical experience. Ultimately it is about Leaping beyond limitations and restrictions which this illusion appears to impose.

What would your life look like if you chose to live from a context of:
- You are an infinite being
- Your world is an illusion being constructed for your enjoyment
- There is nothing “to do” except what you are inspired to do
- You can’t make a mistake

Perhaps the following would be possible from a foundation of you are an infinite being:
- True Happiness, Peace, Fun, Love and Joy would be present
- You could live life with no limits or restrictions
- In every moment anything is possible
- Everything is perfect right here, right now
- Everything that happens to you is simply an opportunity for you to embrace these truths.

This philosophy is not about visualization, manifestation, or creating with intention. This philosophy is a complete paradigm shift in how you can live your life from a deep knowing of who you really are.

Even though we believe it’s all an illusion…. This life is still a great adventure…..

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